Wednesday 12 October 2011

Vancouver - May 2007

Sigh. While you are reading this, I am probably somewhere above the Atlantic Ocean, travelling back to England from Vancouver. Why does time always pass so quickly during a vacation?! I hope you enjoyed the great guest posts from Reese, Jessi, Fiona, Sarah, Aimee and Julia! (I cannot say 'thank you' enough, Ladies!)
I have a ton of new pictures to share with you, but you know I like to take my time to sort through them... So in the meantime, here are some pictures from a previous stay:

© All The Live Long Day (unless otherwise stated)


  1. so super fun! you are so good working on your pics - I have definitely NOT been.

    but love seeing the pics. especially the one of the fish and the bay shot above that one. SO pretty!

  2. schöne Bilder! Und *doing;) dachte schon du wärest schon "back"..Gute Reise, falls ihr nicht schon zurück seid!

  3. WOW. these pictures are wonderful. i'd love to visit vancouver sometime. such a beautiful color palette.

  4. Beautiful photos. I really want to go to Canada one day.
    Glad you're back safe and sound...I look forward to seeing the photos from this trip!


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